
To publish experiment log information to a google page:

$ tomolog run --file-name /local/data/2022-03/Peters/B4_Pb_03_c_10keV_892.h5 --presentation-url

For help:

$ tomolog run -h
usage: tomolog run [-h] [--file-name PATH] [--PV-prefix PV_PREFIX] [--beamline {None,2-bm,7-bm,32-id}] [--idx IDX] [--idy IDY] [--idz IDZ] [--max MAX] [--min MIN]
                   [--presentation-url PRESENTATION_URL] [--rec-type {recgpu,rec}] [--config FILE] [--config-update] [--double-fov] [--logs-home FILE] [--token-home FILE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --file-name PATH      Name of the hdf file (default: .)
  --PV-prefix PV_PREFIX
                        PV prefix for camera (default: 32idcSP1:)
  --beamline {None,2-bm,7-bm,32-id}
                        Customized the goodle slide to the beamline selected (default: 32-id)
  --idx IDX             Id of x slice for reconstruction visualization (default: -1)
  --idy IDY             Id of y slice for reconstruction visualization (default: -1)
  --idz IDZ             Id of z slice for reconstruction visualization (default: -1)
  --max MAX             Maximum threshold value for reconstruction visualization (default: 0.0)
  --min MIN             Minimum threshold value for reconstruction visualization (default: 0.0)
  --presentation-url PRESENTATION_URL
                        Google presention url (default: None)
  --rec-type {recgpu,rec}
                        Specify the prefix of the recon folder (default: recgpu)
  --config FILE         File name of configuration file (default: /home/beams/FAST/logs/tomolog.conf)
  --config-update       When set, the content of the config file is updated using the current params values (default: False)
  --double-fov          Set to true for 0-360 data sets (default: False)
  --logs-home FILE      Log file directory (default: /home/beams/FAST/logs)
  --token-home FILE     Token file directory (default: /home/beams/FAST/tokens)
  --verbose             Verbose output (default: False)

For other options:

$ tomolog -h
usage: tomolog [-h] [--config FILE]  ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  --config FILE  File name of configuration file


    init         Create configuration file
    run          Run data logging to google slides
    status       Show the tomolog status